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As cases of COVID-19 continue to rise, Riverside Healthcare reminds the community that the emergency department is not the place people should be going for COVID-19 testing.

“With the current rise in COVID-19 cases we need to preserve emergency room visits for those truly in need of emergency level of care,” said Dr. Keith Moss, Riverside Vice President, Chief Medical Officer and a practicing internal medicine physician. “The emergency department should not be the place people turn to for testing,” he said. Additionally, Moss points out testing may not always be required.

“For those exposed to COVID, either in your household or through other contacts, if you develop symptoms such as loss of taste or smell, mild cough or nasal congestion it is highly likely that you have a mild case of COVID,” he said. “In this case the CDC advises a period of isolation for five days followed by strict masking for five more days. You should contact your primary care provider for advice on managing your symptoms.”

COVID-19 testing is available through the Riverside Immediate Care network and at Riverside Medical Group offices. Testing is also available at the Rapid & PCR Testing site on Schuyler Avenue in Kankakee, Physicians Immediate Care in Bradley, and through the Kankakee County Health Department. Local pharmacies are also selling home COVID-19 testing kits.

Moss points out that because of the high volume of testing, it can take between 3-5 days to get results at some locations.

While the ER is not the place to turn for routine testing, Moss advises in some cases getting to the ER may be necessary.

“If you develop severe shortness of breath, chest pain, or signs of severe dehydration (such as poor or no ability to urinate, lightheadedness/dizziness, confusion, etc.) please go to the emergency room,” Moss said.

For more information on testing available through Riverside, visit riversidehealthcare.org/covidtesting .

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